My long-term goal for myself is to become the President of the United States or the Education Secretary and make an impact on the education system in the United States. Becoming President has been a goal of mine since 2nd grade, and it has not changed. The only difference between now and in second grade is now I have a platform, and that is education. After ten years of teaching, I was hoping to run for the city council. After that state offices, and after that, we have federal offices, then President. It is a long-term goal because I will not be there until 50 years from now.
My short-term goal is to graduate, get a job, stay with a school district for 20 plus years, and then move on to politics. However, in the last 10, I will be on the city council and a teacher; that is also how I will be part of the community because I will have a voice at the meetings. My growth as a teacher will come day by day and year by year. Every day after I leave school, I reflect on what and how I taught that day and make adjustments accordingly the next day. Moreover, year by year, no one year is the same, so if something does not work that worked the year before, you need to adjust. I will also try to read up on new research in education. I will listen to educational podcasts and implement the ideas I hear on the podcast. I will also attend an education conference. I also plan to attend all of the PD meetings the school and district has. As you read in the previous tab, forming relationships with the students is a strength for me. One of my weaknesses that I want to address within the first few years of teaching is forming relationships with the parents. I get nervous talking to my peers or the parents of students. I guess it is because I think they will judge me for my life choices of becoming a teacher. One way I can fix this is by having parent volunteers in my classroom, having weekly or monthly newsletters on what is happening in the classroom. Call parents when it is good news, not only bad. Possibly finding that connection which is most likely their child. I also need to remember that it is okay if you do not get the whole lesson done within the time that you wanted to get it done because you can get it done the next day. It is acceptable that you fall behind. This has been a weakness of mine for so long and I have been trying to fix that for many years now and I have made progress. |