This is the most critical part of teaching: forming relationships with parents, children, and peers. The top picture is my two teacher friends; we are close, and we share everything. Along with them, I have formed relationships with almost everyone in the school building. I do this by talking to them, asking for help when I need it, listening to what they are doing and their problems, and offering solutions and they do the same for me. I have formed a relationship with the custodian Mr. Edward and we played basketball after school for ten minutes. I also garbbed lunch with another student teacher on her first day at the school.
On the right is a picture of me working in the polls for the eighth year. Last year when working the polls, I met a student and their family when they came to vote. It was nice to see students outside of school. I think it is excellent for students to see their teacher outside the school environment because some think teachers live at school, which is not true. On the left is Mario and I at a lions game; we bond over sports and teaching. I have formed relationships with my students, they made me cry by writing cards on my last day. I will share some of them with you on this page. However, I create those relationships by connecting with their interests and sharing things about my personal life with them. So in my lessons, I drop information about myself in there, and I usually connect them back to the lesson. On the last day, we played a Kahoot to see how much they learned about me. I will also link the Kahoot below if anyone wants to see it. One of the ways I can incorporate the student's culture is to celebrate everyone's holidays. I can also create a bulletin board to show where everyone is from and have it up the whole school year. This could be one of the first projects I could do every year. I could also have an international food day for a lunch or party after covid is over. I could also have the students every Monday and Tuesday share what they did over the weekend and then every Thursday and Friday share what their weekend plans are. Here is what a student said on my last day "if I meet Mr. Suvarna ever again after this, I'm going to yell EYYYYYYYYYYYY MR. SUVARNA so loud that it will make everyone nearby cringe so hard their face explodes." Read more below in the slideshow. I was not as involved in the school or the community, but I want to get involved in my first year. One thing I can do is go to the community events that the school puts on. Another way is to get involved in after-school clubs such as Science Olympiad and student council. I want to explore other after-school opportunities to connect with the community. |